
indie fandomless/multifandom multimuse
selective. private. 21+ penned by Kellin.
  est march 25th 2019  


Those laws create the narrative of your reality, the unchangeable story that defines your existence.


   name:    Kellin
   time zone:    EST (UTC -5)
   pronouns    he/him
   age    21+
discord available on request

   RULE ONE    General / common sense rules ie. no godmodding / racism / sexism / homophobia / other asshole behaviour
Additionally, please do not bring hate and / or drama onto this blog.
   RULE TWO    Additionally, please do not reblog headcanon posts or threads you are not involved in. Aesthetic, musing posts, promos and memes are all fair game however. However if you do reblog a meme from me, it would be appreciated, albeit not required if you sent something in.   RULE THREE    Crossovers, OCs and Canon Divergence is more than welcome here. However, especially for OCs and fandoms I'm not as familiar with, please have an about page/bio available somewhere for me to look through.Note: Personals are free to follow but please keep in mind I will not be doing any in character interactions with personal blogs, headcanon/worldbuilding questions are fair game to everyone though.   RULE FOUR    There will be references and mentions of death, violence and other potentially triggering topics on this blog, along with untagged TWEWY / Neo: TWEWY spoilers. Spoilers for Warframe, Nu:Carnival and Genshin Impact will also be present, tagged as #___spoilers for any new content, until 2-3 weeks after an update.
Triggers will be tagged as #_____tw and any nsfw content will be tagged #nsft
if you need something tagged, please let me know and I will be happy to accommodate.

   RULE FIVE    I am always open to shipping, both platonic and romantic. Albeit mainly after some interaction to see how / if they mesh well together, though if you wish to plot out something pre-established, you're more than welcome to run any ideas by me and we can work something out.
Note: some muses do have "main" ships, however this blog and all muses are multiship and all romantic ships are separate to one another unless otherwise specified.
   RULE SIX    Activity will likely be sporadic and drafts will likely be answered out of order. Sometimes I just have the brainspace for certain threads / muses / etc. Sometimes I just get distracted or can't write and I appreciate your patience on the matter.
I am also more than willing to have multiple threads, or get asks that don't necessarily need to turn into a thread, so feel free to send things in!
   RULE SEVEN    All graphics are made by myself Please do not use them without permission.

oc muses

We may have forgotten so much about being human
but something we will never lose is our ability to change


the reaper

   Age:    ~30, physically 20
   Verse:    The World Ends With You
   Status:    Primary


the outworlder

   Age:    Unknown, physically early 20s
   Verse:    Semi Fandomless / Warframe
   Status:    Primary


death incarnate

   Age:    Ageless, physically ~25
   Verse:    Fandomless
   Status:    Primary


the human

   Age:    34
   Verse:    The World Ends With You / Fandomless
   Status:    Secondary


son of death (wip)

   Age:    20s
   Verse:    Fandomless
   Status:    Secondary


the drifter

   Age:    Unknown, physically late 20s
   Verse:    Warframe
   Status:    Secondary


the composer

   Age:    ~60, physically 23
   Verse:    The World Ends With You / SCP Mashup
   Status:    Secondary


void incarnate

   Age:    Unknown, physically mid 20s
   Verse:    Fandomless
   Status:    Tertiary


the vampire

   Age:    24 (at time of death)
   Verse:    Fandomless
   Status:    Tertiary


the fool (wip)

   Age:    ~27
   Verse:    Genshin Impact
   Status:    Tertiary

npcs (request only)

You will be tempted to look for familiar faces among the angels.
I beg you not to give into it.

note: all muses listed here primarily npcs/background character but are available for ic interaction by request


   Verse:    Warframe
   Associated Muse(s):    Kokabiel

Once truly human, turned to a living weapon of metal and infested flesh. Kokabiel's sole companion since both their displacement from their native timeline and his closest companion for much of their shared life.Silent due to transformations stripping her of her voice, a softer soul buried beneath the ravages of time and her lacking ability to communicate with anyone not Kokabiel.

the man in the wall

   Verse:    Warframe
   Associated Muse(s):    Kokabiel, Raziel
   Notes:    Major Warframe spoilers for The War Within onward

An entity beyond human comprehension, A being from beyond reality as one knows it. A ship's failed jump through the warp drove all adults aboard feral, leaving the children alone to fend for themselves, children who in their desperation made a deal with the entity.It's since latched itself onto Kokabiel, following him as he was displaced in space and time. A mocking whisper in the back of his mind, picking away at old wounds for its amusement.


   Verse:    Fandomless
   Associated Muse(s):    Raven

An incarnation of death, and the closest Raven has to biological family. Morbidly curious and willing to do just about anything to sate their own curiosities. Rarely, if ever in contact with their brother, the single moment they met since their creation ended in the raven's blood spilled, wings and a fragment of the brother's soul in the crow's possession.They are the oblivion to the raven's infinity, a manifestation of the void which will take all of creation into its embrace at the end of time itself.


   Date of Birth    11/29
   Verse:    Fandomless
   Associated Muse(s):    Kokabiel

Kokabiel's adoptive father. his meeting the younger Koko was a chance encounter when the boy has only just been thrown into this world, having thrown himself into harms was to protect the elder against an assailantmaybe it was that he saw hints of his younger self in the teen, maybe it was cause he knew not knowing where else to go, perhaps it was the memory of his old man taking him in when he was in his teens, in the end the why didn't really matter too much did it? he took Koko in as his son, no real intention on having the kid involved in what he did for a living, though he didn't hide that fact from him either.still...the kid did choose to follow him into this life was only right he try his best to do right by him in this regard too.

canon muses

note: all muses listed here will likely be low activity


   Fandom:    Genshin Impact (main verse: modern)


   Fandom:    Nu Carnivalnote: muse currently a wip


   Fandom:    Pokemon (heavily canon divergent)


broken pieces shatter on the floor. broken wings, bend and wilt, they don't fly anymore.

 Name  Joel Caleon
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Kitten, Viewfinder, Jay / Jay-R (online moniker/pseudonym for photography work)
 D.O.B  07 / 01 / 1989
 Age  ~34, physically 20
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bi (heavy male lean)
 Species  Reaper, Human (formerly)
 Family  Mother, father (disowned by both)
 Height / Build  5'4", slim build
 Eye Colour  Deep Brown
 Hair  Black, shoulder length, occasionally tied back
 Scars  Top surgery scars, self harm scars, rope marks around neck, scar from an unknown source on upper back
 Piercings / Tattoos  Pierced lobes, tattoo behind left ear (YYZ in morse code)

Born and raised in Toronto, he's been a reaper for well over a decade now. Quiet, soft, a solid contrast to his coworkers from his shattered wings, to the way he carried himself during game weeks.He originally came here to study, and he likely wouldn't have stayed had he not become a reaper. A photographer for the city's music scene, he mostly tends to keep to himself.Having disappeared for three years following the Long Game and Shinjuku's destruction, he has returned. With no memories of the past three years and the city having changed around him, he must still take up his post within the reaper's game once more.


   this city is a stranger | main   
Joel as described in his bio.
   struggles captured in these photographs | post twewy   
Joel after the events of the first TWEWY game and/or ignoring the events of Neo:TWEWY. More or less the same as main verse minus the three year disappearance.


   Sho Minamimoto    the-grim-heaper - boyfriend
   Sanae Hanekoma    strawberry-barista - father figure
   Hope Raymond    hopeful hugz - sister
   Hazuki Mikagi    pureposer - sleep paralysis angel


the gravekeeper is many things:
a watchman for the fallen, a guardian for the tomb, a friend for the nearly departed.

but above all else?
an outcast.

 Name  Joel "Raven" Caleon (other surnames timeline/verse dependent)
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Rae, Raven, The Lord of Change, Changer of Ways (deity au)
 D.O.B  Unknown, claims it's 06 / 24
 Age  unknown, physically ~25
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bi (heavy male lean)
 Species  ??? / incarnation of death
 Family  Aurelius (son, verse depenent)
 Height / Build  5'4", slim build
 Eye Colour  Lilac
 Hair  Black, lower back length, typically tied in a low ponytail
 Scars  Two vertical scars running down his upper back
 Piercings / Tattoos  Ear piercings (multiple), tattoo on upper right arm (a large bunch of roses), an eye tattooed at the base of the back of his neck, etc

Death given physical form. A being created to collect the souls of the recently deceased.An omnipresent figure at the end of mortal life, he’ll appear to those at the end of their lives. A soft presence, he only physically manifests himself to those alone in their last moments, as himself or a small cat.No matter the form he took, seen or not…he sat with them, an unspoken offer of comfort before he would have to lead their soul where he must.It was merely a fact of life, no matter who it was, the universe one inhabited. Death, in all it’s calm, silent patience waits for all. He is no different.


   a might fine grave in the summer thaw | main  
As described in bio. Death incarnate, a gentle figure carrying the souls of the recently departed to the other side of eternity.
   there are no flowers in heaven | cat  
Death given physical a cat.
  hands of fallen stars and comet tails | deity  
A long forgotten god of endings of all forms and the Lord of Change. A deity now living a quiet life among mortals while gods have taken his place in humanity's eyes, taking roles within his own domain.


   Neff    cosmicdreamt - bestie (main)
   Rarlith    prerodinu - mate
   Kiyoshi    suizokukans - boyfriend


...then maybe..."this is real...with two different realites"

 Name  Aleph Joel Caleon
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Composer, Fledgeling, SCP-████
 D.O.B  07 / 01 / ████
 Age  mid 60s, physically 23
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bi (heavy male lean)
 Species  Angel/Reaper, human (formerly, deceased), reality bender
 Family  n/a
 Height / Build  5'8", slim build
 Eye Colour  Dusty Pink
 Hair  Black, upper back length
 Scars  Gunshot scars (chest, back of head)
 Piercings / Tattoos / Markings  Four pointed star (back of neck)

Born to parents as steeped in the anomalous world as he would one day be, He had grown up surrounded by the supernormal. Discovering he could warp reality to his whims at an early age, he had been taught both how to use his abilities and where the limits of them lied.As he grew older though, those lessons turned to ones on how to hide those abilities away. Word had begun to spread of the GOC’s mass hunt on reality benders. Thus, he was taught how to conceal his abilities, and on where it’d be safe to hide from them…just in case.Eventually, those lessons became of use. With the GOC coming in, he fled home, eventually finding himself in Shibuya, lying low within the district’s small, relatively hidden anomalous community. But even that fell through eventually, with them finally catching up to Joel in the early 80s, killing him within Shibuya’s streets.From there, he found his way into the UG, playing through the game and joining the reapers afterwards in fear of being found once more should he live again. He rather quickly rose through the reaper’s ranks, eventually overthrowing the former composer and ascending to the district’s throne himself.


   i wish i could burn out the sky | main   
An undead god, ruling over a city just outside of baseline reality and the purgatory just beneath. The uncrowned king of Shibuya, a hotspot for the supernatural in a world that so readily covers up its existence.


   muse name    blog name - relationship


i look to the stars. knowing that for you the future is worthwhile, despite bearing innumerable scars.

 Name  Kokabiel
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Koko
 D.O.B  unknown, claims it's 01 / 05
 Age  1000+, physically ~20
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bisexual
 Species  Human(?)
 Family  Mother, Father (both deceased), Margulis (mother figure, deceased), Enoch (adoptive father)
 Height / Build  5'2", skinny build
 Eye Colour  Burgundy, can glow coral under the right circumstances
 Hair  Black, red tint at ends, mid back length, typically tied back
 Scars  Void based scarring (along torso up to the lower jaw), knife scar (right shoulder)
 Piercings / Tattoos  Ear piercings (multiple), Zariman ten-zero tattooed on back

A young man displaced in time. An incident led to him getting thrown into a time he had only ever read about in bits and pieces.He had taken a bullet for a stranger. Instinct had taken hold before he even thought it out properly. The man, a crime boss, took him in, took him under his wing and into his world, caring for him as if the boy was his own. The first family Kokabiel had in an age.It was a learning curve, however. A life so genuinely different from his past. Almost...peaceful compared to what he came from. A world, a life mostly separated from Ivara, he had to not only adjust to the world as it was, but to living as he was.He keeps his past a closely guarded secret, only really letting those closest to him know. He doubted people would really believe him if they knew but...they were just old ghosts. For the most part, they didn't need to be acknowledged.


   the one thing we will never lose is the ability to change | main   
Kokabiel as described above. Default verse unless specified or discussed beforehand.
   we may have forgotten so much of what it means to be human | younger   
Earlier point in time than the present day main verse. Still new to the modern day and life on earth. age: ~16
   though all betwixt is dark and deep | warframe   
Kokabiel before he was thrust into the modern day. detailed information here.
   we shall not fear to take the leap | honkai star rail   blurb tba


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship


and yet i saw god staring back at me in the mirror, with the face of a child but the soul of a demon.
epiphany came over me. the gods would not be the ones to punish us.
the children were.

 Name  Kokabiel █████████
 Nicknames / Alias(es)   Koko, Stardust, etc
 D.O.B  unknown.
 Age  1000+, physically 15-16
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  questioning
 Species  Human(?)
 Family  Mother, Father (both deceased), Margulis (mother figure, deceased)
 Height / Build  5'2", skinny, bordering on underweight / 6'4" in his warframe
 Eye Colour  Burgundy, can glow coral under the right circumstances
 Hair  Black, upper back length, red tint at ends
 Scars  Void based scarring (along torso up to the lower jaw), knife scar (right shoulder)
 Warframe  Ivara Prime, Mesa
 Affiliations  Tenno, Cephalon Suda, Solaris United

A tenno, a child of the Zariman Ten-Zero. A warrior of guns, steel and the void. He awoke to an unfamiliar system after centuries, if not millennia of slumber, picking up the torch of combat once more to hold together the fragile peace in the Origin System.He allied himself closely with both Cephalon Suda and the Solaris people of Fortuna, specializing in sabotages, infiltrations and similar objectives.He inhabited the Ivara warframe, a surrogate body of steel and infested flesh, the filter through which he had experienced the world. He had almost forgotten he was ever human to begin with.Kokabiel was fascinated by the world before the Orokin Empire, picking up every crumb of the past he could find.He has since vanished off the face of the Origin System under unknown circumstances. His current whereabouts are unknown.


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship


this is not my tale, but my purpose is quite clear;
i speak for those who were and are, no longer here

 Name  █████████
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Raziel, Raz, Drifter
 D.O.B  unknown.
 Age  1000+, physically ~27
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bisexual
 Species  Human
 Family  Mother, Father (both deceased)
 Height / Build  5'7", lean build, some muscle
 Eye Colour  Light grey
 Hair  Black fading into grey, upper back length, occasionally tied back
 Scars  Knife scar (right shoulder), two scars going over right eye, void scarring in the centre of his chest
 Warframe  Kullervo
 Affiliations  Tenno, Cephalon Suda, Solaris United

A man, a survivor of the Zariman Ten-Zero. One who was never rescued from the wreckage of the ship, he's somehow become intwined in the fate of another, a younger(?) version of himself.Lost for millennia within a dream, a construct of the void. Willed into existence by his own desperate desire for anyone for any control over the hell he's living through. A dream he lost control over, that he grappled with to gain back.Then thrust into a duty, a fate he nor the child had asked for, the elder has taken the helm of the duo's role among the Tenno. Originally to pull the weight off the other's shoulders, a warrior's duty that should have never been placed upon a child, now Kokabiel has disappeared, leaving him to shoulder the weight alone.He could only hope the kid was okay, wherever he was now.


   tomorrow is now its equal | main   
Raziel as described above. Default verse unless specified or discussed beforehand.
   eclipse the stars and fall like before | outworlder   
Raziel, displaced in time and stuck...somewhere other than the Origin System he had grown accustomed to.


   muse name    blogname - relationship


some describe entering the void as the moment one realizes that if you try too hard to understand, then you will miss the point

 Name  Joel Silas Caleon
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Silas, The Human, Meat Sack
 D.O.B  07 / 01
 Age  ~34
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bisexual
 Occupation  High school photography teacher Species  Human
 Family  Mother, Father (disowned)
 Height / Build  5'4", slim build
 Eye Colour  Dark brown
 Hair  Black, shoulder length
 Scars  Top surgery scars, self harm scars
 Piercings / Tattoos  Ear piercings (multiple)

A photography and tech teacher at a local high school, and a man who regularly did photo work for the local music scene in his free time.In his younger years, a young man studying abroad, he died. At least...he very much should have. He...somehow made it out of that brush with the reaper, coming out the other end with a newfound eye for the supernatural.Still relatively reserved, much like his younger self he has grown out of that shell. It's...been a time getting to grips with himself, properly get back on his feet after his brush with death.Though despite all that, he feels he's doing genuinely better least there's that.


   celebrate life at the end of the earth | main   
A local photography and tech teacher and active photographer for the local music scene. A man who in his young adulthood died, earning a second chance at living, now with an eye for the supernatural.


   muse name    blogname - relationship


you feel nothing, and deep down inside we seek love, and to be loved to infinity.

 Name  Joel Cassuis
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Cass
 D.O.B  unknown, claims it's 08/07
 Age  unknown, physically ~25
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bisexual
 Species  ???
 Family  n/a
 Height / Build  5'6", slim build
 Eye Colour  Pale grey
 Hair  Black, upper back length
 Scars  Top surgery scars, self harm scars
 Piercings / Tattoos  Ear piercings (multiple)

Empty. For all the time he's spent adrift, that's all that's sat within his core. Formed of nothingness itself. Void reshaped by the will of the universe, a wish to see existence in a way one simply could not from the heights of the cosmos.So he remained empty. He carried that hollow as he tried to reach the world and the people around him. As he tried to reach over an unseen chasm that stood between him and everyone and everything. Even when try as he might, nothing felt like it could bridge that gap.It's dawned on him that perhaps, just maybe he had been meant to be alone. And maybe that was fine, for what was the void if not to be empty?


   if a glass is said to hold infinity nothing can fill it | main   
A man formed of the void itself, one that struggles with understanding his own emotions and with feeling like he can truly connect to others.


   muse name    blogname - relationship


That name sounds familiar. Something whispered in a dream, maybe?Something in between the light and dark?Not a waking name.

 Name  Joshua Quinn Allister
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Shadow
 D.O.B  11/02
 Age  Unknown, physically ~19
 Gender  Male
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Undetermined
 Species  Human (formerly), Undead/Incarnation of Death
 Family  Mother, Father (deceased)
 Note  By default Allister exists outside the bounds of pokemon canon/ the pokemon universe. A more pokemon focused verse is available upon request.

Once a promising young pokemon trainer. A young man who had died young, raised from the dead by the ghost gym leader at the time.He had spent the next thirteen years under the other's shadow, taking over Galar's ghost gym following his predecessor's disappearance. All the while never knowing who had raised him from the dead or what the other had turned him into.Eventually he found out. Denied his eternal rest, turned into an undying being, death taken physical form.


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship


for those who died on the battlefield, for memories gone past.
and all those scars will haunt you forever.

 Name  Joel Caleon (formerly Artem █████)
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  n.a
 D.O.B  07-01
 Age  27
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bi
 Species  Human
 Family  n.a
 Height / Build  5'5, slim build with light muscle
 Eye Colour  Silvery Grey, star shaped pupils
 Hair  Black, shoulder length, sometimes tied back
 Scars  top surgery scars, various battle scars
 Piercings / Tattoos  Pierced left lobe
 Nation  Khaenri'ah Snezhnaya
 Vision  Cryo
 Weapon(s)  Catalysts, Swords, Knives, Guns
 Affiliation  None, Fatui (formerly)



   to also have you shoulder the grievances of this world | main   
A former member of the Fatui, he had faked his death to leave that life behind years ago. Now he is merely a wanderer, going throughout Teyvat wherever his life may lead.
   a fool's errand. stained in blood | fatuus   
An agent of the Fatui, talented and capable but slowly crumbling under the weight of taken lives he could not handle.


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship

arataki itto

what is a man without any virtue or worth?what separates me from a beast, or the earth?

 Name  Arataki Itto
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  n/a
 D.O.B  06/01
 Age  ~25
 Gender  Male (afab)
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  Bisexual
 Species  Oni
 Family  Mother, Father (deceased)
 Note  Itto's default verse is a modern day version of the muse separate from Genshin canon. A Genshin canon verse is available on request.

Born to Oni parents, when he was young he and his parents had been run out of his hometown after being falsely blamed for several counts of robbery. His parents were killed not long after, leaving him to fend for himself for most of his life.He spent his childhood wandering from one town to the next, picking up odd jobs here and there, learning effectively any skill under the sun if it meant he could get the money to get by.That's been his life to this day, doing what he can to get by, getting involved in an underground fighting ring for extra cash. Outgoing, kind, seemingly carefree albeit not the brightest oni around. A man willing to stick his neck out for a stranger without hesitation while internally at least a bit wary of others, humans especially.


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship


One sunny day, we’ll open our eyes and see nothing but creation below us, and nothing above us but ourselves

 Name  Aruelius Nax Rarlith Raven
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  Aurel
 D.O.B  03/15
 Age  20s
 Gender  Male
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  bisexual
 Species  Reaper/Astrin (alien) hybrid
 Family  Raven (father), Rarlith (father), Neff (godmother)
 Height / Build  6'3
 Eye Colour  Lilac-pale blue
 Hair  Black with silver streaks, ear length, messy
 Scars  n.a
 Piercings / Tattoos  Pierced lobes, Helix (right ear)



   of stars and the abyss | main   
Born of death incarnate and a man from another planet, a man caught between worlds. Between earth and the homeworld of one father and between life and the domain of his other dad, death.


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship


what separates me from a beast or the earth?

 Name  Elio
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  n.a
 D.O.B  07/01
 Age  24 (at time of death)
 Gender  male
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  bisexual
 Species  vampire, human (formerly)
 Family  n.a
 Height / Build  5'5, slim build
 Eye Colour  pale green
 Hair  black hair, just above shoulder length, sometimes tied back
 Scars  n.a
 Piercings / Tattoos  double pierced lobes

Born to a family of supernatural hunters, thoughout his life Elio had long grown to see the supernatural world contrary to the family he was born into. For were they not as much a part of our world and reality as anything else? As time passed he grew more and more interested in learning more of the indiviuals that existed outside humanity, entirely planning to go out on his own to become a researcher of the supernatural worlds. Still, his family had managed to rope him into helping out with one final hunt, digging for information on a series of deaths and missing person cases that seemed to point to vampire activity.In hindsight, maybe he shouldn't have caved to his family's request. Maybe it was in retaliation for his digging into vampire buisness, for looking too far and learning too much. But they had found him first, cornered and the next Elio knew, he was alone in an alley by his apartment, skin cold, faintly aware his being human was long gone.He never met the one who turned him, his sire having left before he even reawoke. And he could never return to his family, knowing their principles would leave him dead. Untrusted by most of vampire society due to his connections to hunters in his human life. So he's spent his unlife mainly alone, adjusting and learning to live as what he now was.


   what separates me from a beast or the earth | main verse    Recently turned and abandoned by his sire, he's been left to learn the ins and outs of vampirism alone.


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship


a future is not given to you, it is something you must take for yourself

 Name  Blade
 Nicknames / Alias(es)  n.a
 D.O.B  02 / 02
 Age  ???
 Gender  male
 Pronouns  he/him
 Orientation  homosexual
 Species  e-droid/android
 Family  n.a
 Height  5'11"
 Eye Colour  pale violet/blue
 Hair  blue-white hair, with a black rattail and streaks
 Scars  n.a
 Piercings / Tattoos  n.a

an e-droid/android from the Saian continent, one with powerful combat abilities alongside an eccentric, innocent and at times naive demeanour. Skilled at building and other handywork, he resides within a home of his own making in an area effectively devoid of life.He enjoys collecting items he considers "cute" alongside various books which he reads to learn more about humans.


   do robots dream of eternal sleep? | main verse    a combat android from another land and a companion to the current Grand Sorcerer, bearing a personhood he doesn't fully understand, he's trying his best to understand humans and their emotions.
   war without reason | nier automata    Unit 39S, a scanner unit and a YoRHa deserter. Currently camped out in the remnants of humanity on Earth alongside a machine companion, collecting as many trinkets and various bits of humanity's past as he can.
   like antennas to heaven | modern    A young man working at a local science museum
   my artifical heart | fandomless    a fandomless interpretation of Blade's canon verse. An android built for combat and assassinations, no longer tied to the purpose he was built for. Now trying to understand humans and the emotions and personhood he's slowly begun to develop.


   placeholder:    blogname - relationship